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Fontaine à eau pour chat Leo's Paw

Assembly Video

Frequently Asked Questions

User Manual

  • You can find the user manual for the water fountain here.

What to do first?

  • Before assembling the fountain, please do these steps:
    • Disassemble and rinse the pump
    • Rinse the charcoal filter to prevent black sediment from leaking into the fountain.

How do I assemble the water fountain?

Please watch the video above or refer to the user manual on assembling the water fountain.

How do I get my cat to use the fountain?

Please read our blog post that includes tips on how to get your cat to use the water fountain.

Cleaning & Maintenance

How do I clean the fountain?

  • Disassemble the water fountain and the pump, then clean each component thoroughly.
  • All components can be washed with warm water, using a soft sponge and dish washing soap.
  • Do not use aggressive detergents or an abrasive sponge.
  • We recommend cleaning the fountain every 2 weeks.

How do I clean the pump?

  • The pump should be removed from the fountain and disassembled for cleaning.
  • For instructions, watch this video on how to disassemble, clean, and reassemble the pump.
  • Rinse each part separately with water before reassembling.

Which filters do I need?

  • The Leo's Paw Cat Water Fountain should be used with our specific replacement filters, available in 4-, 8-, 12- & 24-packs. Get replacement filters here.