Keeping your cat healthy is one of the most important things in life, am I right? Did you know, that each year, in the US homes only, about 3,000 cats die due to poor hydration or kidney-related issues?
Unfortunately, cats tend to avoid still water in a regular bowl. So how do we get them to drink more water, you ask?
Well, cats are instinctively attracted to moving water, so a great way to keep your fur baby healthy is to provide them with constant fresh, running water, that keeps them properly hydrated.
That's why we recommend and offer you the Leo's Paw Cat Water Fountain.
If you already got a water fountain for your cat, or you are considering getting one, we hope you find this article helpful.
If your cat already is drinking from the kitchen/toilet faucet, getting them used to a water fountain will not be a problem. But if your cat is a bit nervous, distrustful, or suspicious by nature, a water fountain may seem a bit "scary" at first and they might need a little help getting used to it.
We are delighted to guide you on how to get your cat used to a water fountain.
Tip #1: Choose a convenient location

Where your cat is drinking should be conveniently located. Pick a place where there is not a lot of foot traffic or noise. A calm, quiet space, such as a spare bathroom, spare bedroom, or a hallway, will help keep cats relaxed, so they can drink in peace.
Tip #2: Keep the fountain away from the food bowls

The fountain should not be near the food bowls. In nature, cats don’t find their food where they find their water. Bacteria from old food could easily contaminate the water source, which could prove fatal and cats are instinctively aware of this. It is also thought the aromas coming from their food can put them off drinking.
Tip #3: Keep the fountain away from the litter box

You don't like to drink/eat in the bathroom and neither does your cat. The fountain and the litter box should be kept a considerable distance apart. The main reason is to avoid cross-contamination that may occur when cats cover-up after themselves. If litter particles end up in the fountain or in their food, they may get eaten and cause your cat to become sick.
Tip #4: Take small steps

If your cat is nervous, distrustful, or suspicious by nature, put out the fountain but don’t plug it in. Put it where your cat will easily encounter it in an area he/she likes to be and feels safe. Leave it that way for a day or so for him/her to investigate. When you do plug it in, have the pump on the lowest setting and take up all other water sources. Leave it that way for most of a day or so but if he/she is clearly not drinking, provide another water source. Then try it again. The idea here is to allow the cat to become comfortable with the presence of the fountain, then curious and interested. Most cats will. Once your cat is drinking from the fountain you can experiment with higher pump settings.
Tip #5: Make sure the water is always fresh

Cats have a very keen sense of smell and if their water smells bad, they won’t go near it. If there is the tiniest bit of food or bacteria in their water, your cat will smell it a mile away and not drink. We recommend cleaning the water fountain every 2 weeks and the filters to be replaced every 3-4 weeks.
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I have tried this and my cat finds a way to dismantle the fountain! Then what do I do.
Nancy Jones on
Very g good information a lot of people that don’t know this who’s had Cats Forever can always learn something new thank you I appreciate the information
Misty on
Thank you for the good info
David on
A summary of this should be in the instructions. I don’t remember them being there.
Jon Courtway on